Here we go again. For what it's worth, I'm happy to share the questions
I've posed for myself in this Unit (so far). Lee
¶54 -- How would you summarize the "current crisis of civilization"?
(If you had to do it in a 2 column chart -- column 1: crises (crisi?!);
column 2: implications of unity)
What was the "understanding of processes of social evolution"
from the last 20 years?
¶55 -- So, all we have to do is restore "religions influence in human
affairs"! Ideas?!? (living the life? deeds not words?)
¶56 & 57 & 58 -- What would be an honest assessment of the example of
the Baha'i Community? (pulled the beginnings from the document itself)
achievements challenges
********** ********
most diverse and have the diversity;
need to strengthen the unity
geographically widespread
democratically elected
admin. (w/o clergy)
not result of traditional
means of exploitation,
coercion/fear, but from a
new sense of identity that (that's NOT an expression
of intrinsic
shapes our purpose moral superiority)
**survived the perilous
beginnings of religion
w/o faction
¶57 -- What extraordinary feats of sacrifice and understanding (if any)
have I manifested in my life?
¶58 -- Is there a brief overview of these "transient outburts of
controversy" (including current ones) and their results?
¶59 -- How is "evil" explained away by materialism (if not a spiritual
disease)? For that matter, how is "good" explained?
¶60 -- What are other warnings against betrayal of trust and openness
in the Scriptures? (exposing Noah's nakedness)
¶61 -- What is the purpose of "self-love" if it can strengthen the
"insistent self" which is a barrier to the "self-sacrifice" necessary
for unity? (check out SWAB p. 256)
How do we know/prove (can we/do we need to?) that "fulfilment
lies... in the soul's submission to God"?
¶62 -- What are the "nature and provisions of the specific Covenant"
for preserving unity of servants of Baha'u'llah?
Are "joining partners with God" and "failing to submit to God"
the same thing? (insights from Tablet of the Holy Mariner)
¶63 -- What are "the solemn undertakings [we] entered into on being
accepted as [Baha'is]"? (does it realte to my favorite UHJ quote from
the Letter to World's Religious Leaders?)
What were the "spiritual priorities... of the Divine purpose"
in past ages? (check ¶48)