Actually, I left off one more question for ¶28 -- How is our faith
different from the Unarians? (not in a superficial way, but in a real
one - one that relates more to the process of being religious than the
practice.) [ I saw a brief clip on a TV show on
"faith" tonight - "Weird America"] This may seem like a strange
question, but I mean it in a serious way. Perhaps it's my
atheist/agnostic background that has me extra wary that Baha'is aren't
simply following the pattern of religious proselytizing (conversion)
that has marred the luster of other faiths.
(Later Clarification)
My apologies for what may have been unclear communication on my part
with the "Unarian question". I was not attempting to encourage an
analysis of the precepts and teachings of the Unarians as compared to
the Baha'i Faith -- it's pretty clear there are major differences. What
I was hoping to encourage reflection upon is the "process" of coming to
have faith in something. I thought Unarians were alien enough (pun
intended!) to really engender deep reflection on the subject - more so
than pondering the same question using Baptists as the comparison
(though that could be done just as easily). It's a highly personal
process (coming to believe/faith), I know, with as many variations as
there are people, but how is OUR claim to faith distinct from, more
authentic than (if it is), more grounded in reality than theirs? And if
we conclude that there is a distinction to ours that allows us to
dismiss theirs, on what authority do we make that claim? Here are some
procedural similarities I've picked up on with just a cursory glance:
1. They had a man appear at a point in history
2. With a positive vision for a "utopian" society [harmony, unity,
humility, and end to fighting and hatred] to teach to those who would listen
3. Acheiving this vision requires personal disciplines and upright
behavior on behalf of the believers, to affect change in the world at
large. (service toward a glorious promised day)
4. A person comes across this vision,etc., and it resonates with them
as beautiful/truthful enough to devote themselves to.
My concern is, that if we are to truly champion the Cause of God in our
day, we cannot fall in to the traditional religious rut of "I'm right
because my God says I am." Just because we don't have clergy (or I
guess, more acurately, we're ALL "clergy"), doesn't mean were any less
immune from establishing (in our minds at least - which is the most
dangerous place for it to be) that "parallel authority" (¶37) in the
heart of our religion that has lead to the crippling/stultifying of the
civilizing effect of religion on society (¶35 and ¶51). We must be
daily vigilent in our religious practice to ensure that we will not
travel down the path of "joining partners with God" (¶37), and the
Writings exhort us countless times [I think I need to re-read Tablet of
the Holy Mariner now] NOT to make the same mistakes as past religious
communities have. From my perspective, this is a central question to
wrestle with.